Zeroidee is an association for social development and support that connects artists, authors and new media professionals. Zeroidee undertakes artistic research, content development, creative formats, installations and multimedia productions.

Zeroidee is an association for social development and support that connects artists, authors and new media professionals. Zeroidee undertakes artistic research, content development, creative formats, installations and multimedia productions.



Multimedia Art Performance Art Community Consulting Creative Direction Events Workshops Management
Reference area
Multimedia Art, Community, Creative Direction
Publication year: 2024
Reference area: Multimedia Art, Community, Creative Direction

Di certo capita, almeno una volta nella vita, di dover rispondere alla domanda: “Ma che lavoro fai?” Cosa sappiamo rispondere quando a chiederci che lavoro facciamo sono proprio i nostri figli? E cosa colgono della spiegazione che diamo loro del nostro lavoro? “Portami al lavoro” è stato un laboratorio di narrazione fotografica che ha portato i figli ad esplorare e interpretare gli ambienti lavorativi dei genitori. Le attività proposte durante i laboratori hanno favorito la sperimentazione di diversi linguaggi, tra cui la fotografia, lo storytelling e la registrazione audio usando gli spazi di lavoro dell’azienda come territorio esplorativo. Il progetto si conclude con una mostra fotografica, un ciclo di incontri nelle scuole e la realizzazione di un libro.
L’idea è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con SBE-VARVIT (Monfalcone), azienda leader nella produzione di viti, dadi e bulloni. In un’azienda di questo settore, dove la componente competitiva tecnologica è fondamentale, non si poteva intervenire sul miglioramento del prodotto. Si è potuto però aprire un dialogo intergenerazionale, portando un punto di vista differente sulla componente umana e relazionale all’interno della vita lavorativa.
Coordinamento laboratori: Marina Rosso, Giovanni Chiarot
Grafica: Cecilia Cappelli
Con il contributo di Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
In collaborazione con SBE-VARVIT Spa, Associazione Altrememorie, Gruppo Immagine, Media Educazione e Comunità, Bekko Aps




Di certo capita, almeno una volta nella vita, di dover rispondere alla domanda: “Ma che lavoro fai?” Cosa sappiamo rispondere quando a chiederci che lavoro facciamo sono proprio i nostri figli? E cosa colgono della spiegazione che diamo loro del nostro lavoro? “Portami al lavoro” è stato un laboratorio di narrazione fotografica che ha portato i figli ad esplorare e interpretare gli ambienti lavorativi dei genitori. Le attività proposte durante i laboratori hanno favorito la sperimentazione di diversi linguaggi, tra cui la fotografia, lo storytelling e la registrazione audio usando gli spazi di lavoro dell’azienda come territorio esplorativo. Il progetto si conclude con una mostra fotografica, un ciclo di incontri nelle scuole e la realizzazione di un libro.
L’idea è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con SBE-VARVIT (Monfalcone), azienda leader nella produzione di viti, dadi e bulloni. In un’azienda di questo settore, dove la componente competitiva tecnologica è fondamentale, non si poteva intervenire sul miglioramento del prodotto. Si è potuto però aprire un dialogo intergenerazionale, portando un punto di vista differente sulla componente umana e relazionale all’interno della vita lavorativa.
Coordinamento laboratori: Marina Rosso, Giovanni Chiarot
Grafica: Cecilia Cappelli
Con il contributo di Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
In collaborazione con SBE-VARVIT Spa, Associazione Altrememorie, Gruppo Immagine, Media Educazione e Comunità, Bekko Aps




Multimedia Art, Community, Events, Workshops
Publication year: 2024
Reference area: Multimedia Art, Community, Events, Workshops

“Le Serre” è uno spazio in cui la produzione creativa incontra la comunità e l’innovazione sociale, dove la dimensione di sperimentazione artistica si intreccia con quella della progettazione sociale e dello scambio di saperi ed esperienze.
Lo spazio è un edificio industriale degli anni ’50, una ex-falegnameria. Dopo un processo di rigenerazione è nato uno spazio culturale.
Gli obiettivi che ci siamo dati sono:
Ristrutturazione dello spazio: dare vita ad uno spazio di produzione culturale che ospiti attività dell’ambito delle arti multimediali, sfruttando l’opportunità di operare in un contesto periferico a vocazione produttiva e artigianale.
L’innovazione sociale: attrezzare e gestire lo spazio per ospitare percorsi di aggregazione sul territorio, fornendo un contesto creativo dove sviluppare anche azioni di inclusione sociale.
La formazione: attrezzare e gestire lo spazio per ospitare percorsi di formazione e professionalizzazione nell’ambito della produzione culturale. Sviluppare una programmazione pilota di residenze artistiche, laboratori e convegni.
Digitalizzazione degli operatori/operatrici: dotare lo spazio di attrezzature adeguate allo sviluppo di produzioni multimediali, offrendo ad artisti/e e operatori/operatrici la possibilità di usufruire di strumentazioni e tecnologie avanzate.
Network europeo: lo spazio è all’interno di un network europeo, attraverso i progetti culturali internazionali di cui fa parte.

Contributo PR FESR FVG 200000,00 EURO di cui UE 40%

“Le Serre” è uno spazio in cui la produzione creativa incontra la comunità e l’innovazione sociale, dove la dimensione di sperimentazione artistica si intreccia con quella della progettazione sociale e dello scambio di saperi ed esperienze.
Lo spazio è un edificio industriale degli anni ’50, una ex-falegnameria. Dopo un processo di rigenerazione è nato uno spazio culturale.
Gli obiettivi che ci siamo dati sono:
Ristrutturazione dello spazio: dare vita ad uno spazio di produzione culturale che ospiti attività dell’ambito delle arti multimediali, sfruttando l’opportunità di operare in un contesto periferico a vocazione produttiva e artigianale.
L’innovazione sociale: attrezzare e gestire lo spazio per ospitare percorsi di aggregazione sul territorio, fornendo un contesto creativo dove sviluppare anche azioni di inclusione sociale.
La formazione: attrezzare e gestire lo spazio per ospitare percorsi di formazione e professionalizzazione nell’ambito della produzione culturale. Sviluppare una programmazione pilota di residenze artistiche, laboratori e convegni.
Digitalizzazione degli operatori/operatrici: dotare lo spazio di attrezzature adeguate allo sviluppo di produzioni multimediali, offrendo ad artisti/e e operatori/operatrici la possibilità di usufruire di strumentazioni e tecnologie avanzate.
Network europeo: lo spazio è all’interno di un network europeo, attraverso i progetti culturali internazionali di cui fa parte.

Contributo PR FESR FVG 200000,00 EURO di cui UE 40%

Multimedia Art, Performance Art, Creative Direction, Management
Publication year: 2023
Reference area: Multimedia Art, Performance Art, Creative Direction, Management

Esperienza multimediale della durata di 45 minuti.
Tre amici d’infanzia, la scoperta di un lutto, un percorso attraverso il cimitero lungo le tracce di un’amicizia lontana.
Non si tratta di uno spettacolo ma di un’esperienza immersiva e itinerante che vivi in prima persona. Attraverso i messaggi che ricevi tramite WhatsApp, sei invitato a spostarti nella città, in particolare all’interno del cimitero, per vivere una storia e scoprirne gli sviluppi.
Un’esperienza solitaria, in cui ogni partecipante parte singolarmente.

Una produzione di: Zeroidee aps
Di Giovanni Chiarot, Matteo Carli e Sandro Pivotti
Supporto tecnico di: Alberto Duca e Alex Duca
Con il contributo di: Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Sviluppata nell’ambito del progetto Le Serre
Foto di Bartolomeo Rossi

Esperienza multimediale della durata di 45 minuti.
Tre amici d’infanzia, la scoperta di un lutto, un percorso attraverso il cimitero lungo le tracce di un’amicizia lontana.
Non si tratta di uno spettacolo ma di un’esperienza immersiva e itinerante che vivi in prima persona. Attraverso i messaggi che ricevi tramite WhatsApp, sei invitato a spostarti nella città, in particolare all’interno del cimitero, per vivere una storia e scoprirne gli sviluppi.
Un’esperienza solitaria, in cui ogni partecipante parte singolarmente.

Una produzione di: Zeroidee aps
Di Giovanni Chiarot, Matteo Carli e Sandro Pivotti
Supporto tecnico di: Alberto Duca e Alex Duca
Con il contributo di: Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
Sviluppata nell’ambito del progetto Le Serre
Foto di Bartolomeo Rossi

Multimedia Art, Performance Art, Creative Direction, Events, Workshops, Management
Publication year: 2022-2023
Reference area: Multimedia Art, Performance Art, Creative Direction, Events, Workshops, Management

Mobilità Creative is a performance art and multimedia event that moves out of theatres, art galleries and museums, animating the streets, squares and public transport routes, promoting different artistic approaches and new forms of sustainable mobility.
The event includes a series of workshops, performances, artistic residencies and digital content.
Audiobus, a key example, is an extraordinary journey on city buses. Artists reinterpret public spaces in a new way, each time involving different sections of the population through a series of workshops, and then elaborate a sound narrative that leads citizens on a surprising journey, to discover hidden parts of the city.

Project by: Zeroidee Aps.
In collaboration with: Quarantasettezeroquattro, ROR festival, Circo all’inCirca, DNA Danza, Teatro degli Sterpi, Cas’Aupa, IC Udine 2.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Photo: Bartolomeo Rossi for Audiobus

Mobilità Creative is a performance art and multimedia event that moves out of theatres, art galleries and museums, animating the streets, squares and public transport routes, promoting different artistic approaches and new forms of sustainable mobility.
The event includes a series of workshops, performances, artistic residencies and digital content.
Audiobus, a key example, is an extraordinary journey on city buses. Artists reinterpret public spaces in a new way, each time involving different sections of the population through a series of workshops, and then elaborate a sound narrative that leads citizens on a surprising journey, to discover hidden parts of the city.

Project by: Zeroidee Aps.
In collaboration with: Quarantasettezeroquattro, ROR festival, Circo all’inCirca, DNA Danza, Teatro degli Sterpi, Cas’Aupa, IC Udine 2.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Photo: Bartolomeo Rossi for Audiobus
Multimedia Art, Performance Art, Creative Direction, Events, Management
Publication year: 2017-2023
Reference area: Multimedia Art, Performance Art, Creative Direction, Events, Management

Audiobus is an extraordinary journey that hovers between the real and the surreal. On departure, each participant is given headphones and a narrator’s voice guides them, helping them unleash their imagination, going on a journey around the city, and within it. It is a multidisciplinary performance, a literary excursion, an unexpected journey full of visual and sound pointers, acrobatics, stories. What does life in a city mean? Look up and around. Poetry will steal you away.
Audiobus is part of the larger ‘Mobilità Creative’ project: a performance art and multimedia event that moves out of theatres, art galleries and museums, animating the streets, squares and public transport routes, promoting different artistic approaches and new forms of sustainable mobility.

Arranged by: Zeroidee, developed by Giovanni Chiarot and Renato Rinaldi.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Turismo FVG.
The use of public transport routes in different cities involves local transport companies in cooperation with TPL FVG (Arriva Udine, Trieste Trasporti, APT Gorizia, ATAP Pordenone).

photo: Bartolomeo Rossi for Audiobus



Audiobus is an extraordinary journey that hovers between the real and the surreal. On departure, each participant is given headphones and a narrator’s voice guides them, helping them unleash their imagination, going on a journey around the city, and within it. It is a multidisciplinary performance, a literary excursion, an unexpected journey full of visual and sound pointers, acrobatics, stories. What does life in a city mean? Look up and around. Poetry will steal you away.
Audiobus is part of the larger ‘Mobilità Creative’ project: a performance art and multimedia event that moves out of theatres, art galleries and museums, animating the streets, squares and public transport routes, promoting different artistic approaches and new forms of sustainable mobility.

Arranged by: Zeroidee, developed by Giovanni Chiarot and Renato Rinaldi.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Turismo FVG.
The use of public transport routes in different cities involves local transport companies in cooperation with TPL FVG (Arriva Udine, Trieste Trasporti, APT Gorizia, ATAP Pordenone).

photo: Bartolomeo Rossi for Audiobus



Performance Art, Community, Creative Direction
Publication year: 2022
Reference area: Performance Art, Community, Creative Direction

‘Alma Mistero – Dove scompaiono gli scomparsi’ (‘Alma Mistero – Where the disappeared disappear’) is a mysterious, surreal and entertaining show. Starting with the relationship created between artists and locals, the project goes in search of those who have been invented or really existed but have disappeared or are perhaps just hiding. During the days leading up to the festival, an eccentric pair of correspondents from the ‘Alma Mistero’ TV show roam the villages involved, hunting for clues and stories. The entire project was documented in 5 videos published on the Microfestival YouTube channel.
‘Alma Mistero’ was developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The border areas being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of a specific locality and engaging in the active participation of its inhabitants.

Produced by: Puntozero.
Conceived and realised by: Zeroidee with Natalie Norma Fella.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Fondazione Friuli.

‘Alma Mistero – Dove scompaiono gli scomparsi’ (‘Alma Mistero – Where the disappeared disappear’) is a mysterious, surreal and entertaining show. Starting with the relationship created between artists and locals, the project goes in search of those who have been invented or really existed but have disappeared or are perhaps just hiding. During the days leading up to the festival, an eccentric pair of correspondents from the ‘Alma Mistero’ TV show roam the villages involved, hunting for clues and stories. The entire project was documented in 5 videos published on the Microfestival YouTube channel.
‘Alma Mistero’ was developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The border areas being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of a specific locality and engaging in the active participation of its inhabitants.

Produced by: Puntozero.
Conceived and realised by: Zeroidee with Natalie Norma Fella.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Fondazione Friuli.

Community, Consulting, Creative Direction, Management
Publication year: 2022
Reference area: Community, Consulting, Creative Direction, Management

‘Stay Tuned’ is a free portal designed for associations, which collects and offers educational content on communication. The portal allows organisations to publish their courses or training sessions in a professional manner, with unlimited access to lessons.
The ‘Stay Tuned’ project was created to support the innovation of third sector organisations in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, providing useful tools to improve communication both internally and externally (e.g., the management of community relations, the promotion of training and meetings, the engagement of followers, extending relationships, often started offline, online).

Project by: Zeroidee Aps.
In collaboration with: Circolo Cas’aupa and Bekko.
Funded by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
With the support of: Puntozero, Soluzioni Srl and the Municipality of Tricesimo (UD).


‘Stay Tuned’ is a free portal designed for associations, which collects and offers educational content on communication. The portal allows organisations to publish their courses or training sessions in a professional manner, with unlimited access to lessons.
The ‘Stay Tuned’ project was created to support the innovation of third sector organisations in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, providing useful tools to improve communication both internally and externally (e.g., the management of community relations, the promotion of training and meetings, the engagement of followers, extending relationships, often started offline, online).

Project by: Zeroidee Aps.
In collaboration with: Circolo Cas’aupa and Bekko.
Funded by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
With the support of: Puntozero, Soluzioni Srl and the Municipality of Tricesimo (UD).


Multimedia Art, Creative Direction, Management
Publication year: 2022
Reference area: Multimedia Art, Creative Direction, Management

‘Le Tigri del Friuli’ (The Tigers of Friuli) is an archive which collects some of the results of a semi-serious and non-linear research retracing the story of the Tigri di Monteaperta: the first Italian women’s tug-of-war team, founded in 1962 by a group of women on the Italian-Slovenian border. Our research was developed through a series of interviews with those ‘Tigers’ still alive, with people who had met them and with researchers. We then identified a number of themes around which we created six video narratives and corresponding bibliographies. We hope that, as it did for us, a little story from yesterday can open up new questions about today.

The ‘Le Tigri del Friuli’ Archive
Project by: Puntozero.
Historical consultancy: Marco Feleppa
In collaboration with: Associazione culturale A.M.A. Monteaperta, Bottega Errante.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.


‘Le Tigri del Friuli’ (The Tigers of Friuli) is an archive which collects some of the results of a semi-serious and non-linear research retracing the story of the Tigri di Monteaperta: the first Italian women’s tug-of-war team, founded in 1962 by a group of women on the Italian-Slovenian border. Our research was developed through a series of interviews with those ‘Tigers’ still alive, with people who had met them and with researchers. We then identified a number of themes around which we created six video narratives and corresponding bibliographies. We hope that, as it did for us, a little story from yesterday can open up new questions about today.

The ‘Le Tigri del Friuli’ Archive
Project by: Puntozero.
Historical consultancy: Marco Feleppa
In collaboration with: Associazione culturale A.M.A. Monteaperta, Bottega Errante.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.


Performance Art, Community, Creative Direction
Publication year: 2021
Reference area: Performance Art, Community, Creative Direction

‘Comuni non Comuni Splash’ is a breathtaking spectacle, a variety show from door to door, at house windows, in courtyards, along streets. The inhabitants of small villages are engaged by eccentric characters in extraordinary performances, sparkling games and twists. The show is a collective party animated by artists and inhabitants that is always new, always different.
‘Comuni non Comuni Splash’ is a format we developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The borders being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of specific localities and engaging the active participation of inhabitants.

Produced by: Puntozero.
Conceived and realised by: Zeroidee with Natalie Norma Fella.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Fondazione Friuli.


‘Comuni non Comuni Splash’ is a breathtaking spectacle, a variety show from door to door, at house windows, in courtyards, along streets. The inhabitants of small villages are engaged by eccentric characters in extraordinary performances, sparkling games and twists. The show is a collective party animated by artists and inhabitants that is always new, always different.
‘Comuni non Comuni Splash’ is a format we developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The borders being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of specific localities and engaging the active participation of inhabitants.

Produced by: Puntozero.
Conceived and realised by: Zeroidee with Natalie Norma Fella.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Fondazione Friuli.


Multimedia Art, Performance Art, Creative Direction, Workshops, Management
Publication year: 2021
Reference area: Multimedia Art, Performance Art, Creative Direction, Workshops, Management

‘Prima della leva’ (Before the draft) is an immersive journey experience for individuals where participants play the role of a predefined character. They follow directions received via WhatsApp, move around the city centre, and become increasingly steeped in the protagonist’s life and relationships.
Texts, audio, images and videos developed during a number of workshops offered to pupils from five high schools provided the inspiration for this experiential performance. The multimedia material is available on the project website together with an anthology of essays, narratives, films and links to other websites.

Prima della leva
Project by: Zeroidee, Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli.
Artistic support: Renato Rinaldi
IT support: Alberto Duca and Alex Duca
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Municipality of Udine.


‘Prima della leva’ (Before the draft) is an immersive journey experience for individuals where participants play the role of a predefined character. They follow directions received via WhatsApp, move around the city centre, and become increasingly steeped in the protagonist’s life and relationships.
Texts, audio, images and videos developed during a number of workshops offered to pupils from five high schools provided the inspiration for this experiential performance. The multimedia material is available on the project website together with an anthology of essays, narratives, films and links to other websites.

Prima della leva
Project by: Zeroidee, Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli.
Artistic support: Renato Rinaldi
IT support: Alberto Duca and Alex Duca
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Municipality of Udine.


Multimedia Art, Creative Direction, Events
Publication year: 2020
Reference area: Multimedia Art, Creative Direction, Events

The project ‘Le dirai marte o metallo’ (Tell her Mars or Metal) explores the question of interpreting the system which today gives us access to knowledge developed by us, supported by algorithms that pander to our point of view, tastes and opinions. An audiovisual environment, a podium and a large screen positioned in the centre of the space invite the public to go on a journey. Using a button, the visitor can choose one of 49 words that give access to ‘knowledge’ and that appear projected on the screen. An algorithm launches a web search that is visually perceived as a journey in an indefinite space between a micro and a macrocosm, with a succession of lines and shapes that resemble both planets and molecular particles. A combinatorial number system selects 7 data from the infinite pool of information, forming a rebus, an enigma, a creative stimulus, a question – almost as if to remind the user that every time they look out of the window of this space, what is returned to them always requires interpretation, whether by themselves or by others. Here the participant can construct new meanings if they wish.

‘Le dirai Marte o Metallo’ is an installation designed and created by Zeroidee, Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli;
Scientific consultancy by Paolo Patui and Mario Turello;
Graphic animation by Roberto Ranon;
Computer development by Matteo Gervasi;
Original music and sound design by Davide Vettori;
Technical support by Alessandro Pasquali, Giordano Sala.
Produced by Leggermente.
Supported by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

The project ‘Le dirai marte o metallo’ (Tell her Mars or Metal) explores the question of interpreting the system which today gives us access to knowledge developed by us, supported by algorithms that pander to our point of view, tastes and opinions. An audiovisual environment, a podium and a large screen positioned in the centre of the space invite the public to go on a journey. Using a button, the visitor can choose one of 49 words that give access to ‘knowledge’ and that appear projected on the screen. An algorithm launches a web search that is visually perceived as a journey in an indefinite space between a micro and a macrocosm, with a succession of lines and shapes that resemble both planets and molecular particles. A combinatorial number system selects 7 data from the infinite pool of information, forming a rebus, an enigma, a creative stimulus, a question – almost as if to remind the user that every time they look out of the window of this space, what is returned to them always requires interpretation, whether by themselves or by others. Here the participant can construct new meanings if they wish.

‘Le dirai Marte o Metallo’ is an installation designed and created by Zeroidee, Giovanni Chiarot and Matteo Carli;
Scientific consultancy by Paolo Patui and Mario Turello;
Graphic animation by Roberto Ranon;
Computer development by Matteo Gervasi;
Original music and sound design by Davide Vettori;
Technical support by Alessandro Pasquali, Giordano Sala.
Produced by Leggermente.
Supported by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

Performance Art, Community, Creative Direction, Events
Publication year: 2019
Reference area: Performance Art, Community, Creative Direction, Events

Comuni non Comuni Winter edition: a big game and show designed for very small villages, especially for border localities. An orchestra and a group of eccentric characters engage the community in a trans-generational team game. With a huge board in the centre and large pawns to move, the game of challenges includes music, twists and turns, and ‘rich’ prizes. An unexpected community map emerges, a collective party driven by artists and inhabitants that is always new, always different.
‘The Big Game’ is a format we developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The borders being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of specific localities and engaging the active participation of inhabitants.

Produced by: Puntozero.
Designed and created by: Zeroidee with Matteo Carli, Giovanni Chiarot, Andrea Collavino and Natalie Norma Fella.
Graphic design of the game: Francesco Fidani.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Fondazione Friuli.

Comuni non Comuni Winter edition: a big game and show designed for very small villages, especially for border localities. An orchestra and a group of eccentric characters engage the community in a trans-generational team game. With a huge board in the centre and large pawns to move, the game of challenges includes music, twists and turns, and ‘rich’ prizes. An unexpected community map emerges, a collective party driven by artists and inhabitants that is always new, always different.
‘The Big Game’ is a format we developed as part of Microfestival, a touring festival of performance art that tells and gives voice to the places of border mountain areas, allowing them to express themselves. The borders being explored are located between the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Microfestival is a festival on the move, focusing on listening to the stories of specific localities and engaging the active participation of inhabitants.

Produced by: Puntozero.
Designed and created by: Zeroidee with Matteo Carli, Giovanni Chiarot, Andrea Collavino and Natalie Norma Fella.
Graphic design of the game: Francesco Fidani.
Supported by: Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Fondazione Friuli.
Multimedia Art, Community, Creative Direction
Publication year: 2014
Reference area: Multimedia Art, Community, Creative Direction

We invented and built a Rube Goldberg machine with six different routes. Each route was used to produce a video clip to promote one of six titles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on the web. The installation and social campaign were part of the European project “Enjoy Your Rights” designed to promote the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union through social networks.

Design and creation of the Rube Goldberg machine: Puntozero, Giovanni Chiarot, Francesco Rossi with Rocco Repezza, Giacomo Bompan.
Video-clip production: Uponadream, Giulio Venier and Marco Londero.
Graphic animations: Giacomo Bompan.
Sound compositions: Giacomo Lamparelli.
Supported by European Union and Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.


We invented and built a Rube Goldberg machine with six different routes. Each route was used to produce a video clip to promote one of six titles of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on the web. The installation and social campaign were part of the European project “Enjoy Your Rights” designed to promote the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union through social networks.

Design and creation of the Rube Goldberg machine: Puntozero, Giovanni Chiarot, Francesco Rossi with Rocco Repezza, Giacomo Bompan.
Video-clip production: Uponadream, Giulio Venier and Marco Londero.
Graphic animations: Giacomo Bompan.
Sound compositions: Giacomo Lamparelli.
Supported by European Union and Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.


No projects found.

Zeroidee A.P.S.
Tax code: 94150160300

Registered office: Strada delle Betulle 21/12,
Campoformido, Udine
